In figuring out where Kyra and I will shoot the film opening, I've had so many locations in mind. I want our main character to wake up in either a forest-like area or a highway-like area. I prefer highway-like but with our budget and abilities, I understand why the forest-like energy would be a better choice. Although will we hit other locations during the film opening, but where it starts is vital to the film. I feel like the opening finalizes the show's genre, horror or psychological theatre and honestly, a part of me wants to work in the genre of horror.
I feel like the main character waking up in an unknown place immediately shocks viewers at the beginning and swallows people down a messy upcoming plot. I want most settings for this film opening to be foresty or just plain lonely, showing how creepy the project will be. Other settings include casual everyday places but from a car's perspective since she will be in the uber. I want there to be small things going wrong in the uber but are unnoticeable to the viewer. Driving in the highway is super important since it's the perfect area for something to go wrong and an issue we have is having enough extras to film a scene where something goes wrong.
Basically, Kyra and I decided on the character waking up at Markham Park, but I still think we need to set it up to be more rural and less organized.
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